A Novel Concept: Acceptable Preventable Harm

Blogger Melissa Clarkson offers a wryly humorous take on a finish established yesteryear the CMS Partnership for Patients, to bring down preventable impairment yesteryear 40% betwixt 2010 too 2014.  She asks:

I was non aware that impairment comes equally a mix of acceptable impairment too unacceptable impairment too the work organisation is getting rid of the unacceptable portion.

But if hospitals are striving for such a goal, I but enquire that they fully explicate this to patients too families. And to help, I would similar to render roughly ideas for facilitating this communication.

Here are roughly of the graphics she proposes for those hospitals who wishing to endure fully transparent.

For a infirmary welcome sign:

For a marketing campaign:

For the front end lobby:

More seriously, too possibly non coincidentally, according to this Modern Healthcare article:

The Leapfrog Group has released the instant circular of its bi-annual infirmary security scores, which present “sluggish” improvement inwards patient security amid the nation's hospitals.

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