Riding The Cancer Coaster

Several months ago, through a virtual friendship alongside her father, I got to know a immature adult woman named Clarissa Schilstra.  She is a lovely in addition to thoughtful somebody who has been through double doses of cancer inward her brusque life.  She is directly a fellow member of the class of 2016 at Duke University. We get-go met inward somebody (all 3 of us) inward August of 2014.  Clarissa felt that she learned a lot from the passages of her life in addition to wanted to portion what she had learned alongside others, in addition to and then she wrote me dorsum inward July:

"I am actually excited to country y'all that I convey written a majority this summer, to assist teens in addition to immature adults alongside cancer through the social in addition to emotional challenges of treatment."

The majority is now out, in addition to it is very, really good.  My review is equally follows:

Clarissa Schilstra offers knowledge, wisdom, in addition to advice to teenagers in addition to immature adults who are facing the travails of a cancer diagnosis. Drawing from her ain experience, employing apparently speak in addition to empathy, she offers helpful suggestions for the entire family. This is an essential majority for anyone y'all know who is going through this life-changing chapter inward his or her life.

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