Protocols Are For Nurses.

Every straight off together with and hence y'all listen something hence dramatically stupid that y'all convey to wonder.

One such trial was a duo years back, when person said: "I exclusively text on the highway."

The latest trial comes from a resident who was beingness "trained" past times an tending doctor.  The resident was well-nigh to administer a drug using the protocol developed past times that hospital's clinical department--one based on bear witness produced every bit a trial of systematic clinical evaluations.

The tending Dr. interrupted the trainee together with said, "Don't attain it that way. I've been a doing this for over xx years, together with that agency is stupid."

The resident replied, "But I've been told that this is the protocol."

The rejoinder, "Protocols are for nurses. Do it the agency I say."

Which is worse, the teaching that has been employed or the practise of medicine that is beingness carried out?

After several years of participating inwards resident character together with security workshops, I tin terminate study that nosotros listen stories well-nigh this form of matter quite often. Each time, the resident is lay inwards an untenable position. Each time, a patient is lay inwards jeopardy.

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