Coming Presently To The Us?

The English linguistic communication press get got a love-hate human relationship amongst the National Health Service.  On 1 day, y'all mightiness discovery a story well-nigh the extreme dedication of a given nurse who goes to a higher house together with beyond the telephone telephone of duty to assist a sick or disabled onetime human being or woman. On the next, you’ll discovery an article excoriating the organisation together with its leaders for allowing long await times at the A&E's (emergency rooms). And during an election crusade of the form similar a shot taking house inwards the UK, both extremes are presented almost every day.  And that’s inwards the responsible press. The tabloids fifty-fifty to a greater extent than so.

Knowing this, I should non get got been surprised to discovery a story inwards the Daily Mail amongst the dual headline:

Greed of the NHS Fat Cats
High Rollers Who Are Never Paid Through The Books

The thrust of the story was to expose senior degree managers who had been hired equally contract employees past times several of the NHS infirmary trusts that were facing fiscal or operational difficulties.  This happens from fourth dimension to time.  As the chairman of 1 trust said, “It was clear that nosotros needed a high caliber private to successfully steer the trust through about extremely challenging times.”

The Mail’s complaint goes to the degree of pay offered to these turn-around agents.  Also, it raised concerns that several of them took their jobs nether the auspices of private companies. Accordingly, payments for taxes, pensions, together with the similar were made past times companies the executives ain rather than past times the trusts. (This is legal, only the Mail calls it morally wrong.)

Stories well-nigh salaries of corporate executives are ever grist for the media’s mill, together with my signal today is non to query the editorial judgment of a paper that decides such matters are newsworthy. Indeed, stories well-nigh high salaries for executives when nurses together with other staff get got faced salary freezes tin dismiss live quite compelling.

No, what actually struck me was how inflammatory the reporters together with editors chose to live inwards the extraneous textile they inserted into the story. Ultimately, the story was well-nigh the lifestyles of the executives.  I don’t know, only possibly it was designed to tap into about feel of latent cast warfare.

I had heard well-nigh this technique earlier inwards other stories inwards the U.K. tabloids, only I had never read those stories equally closely.  I offering about examples hither equally a “public service” to infirmary executives inwards other countries, similar the US, where such media practices mightiness spread.

Here’s one:

Mr. Reading, who enjoys regular menage unit of measurement holidays to exotic locations such equally Antigua, where he tin dismiss live seen posing on beach, equally good equally Thailand together with Majorca . . .

Facebook provides practiced root material, too:

Just 12 days [after starting her NHS assignment on July 15], she was away inwards the Costa del Sol, according to her Facebook page. ‘On holiday,’ she wrote from Competa, a picturesque hamlet inwards Southern Spain. ‘Got the most fabulous villa.’

Only xi days later, Miss Ruskiewicz, 53, updated friends on her indulgent summertime travels—from a blast salon inwards California.

‘Recovering amongst a mani pedi,” she boasted after a twenty-four hr menses inwards the Redwood national park.

The infirmary boss, who has ii daughters together with lives inwards a £1.25 meg 4 sleeping room delineate of piece of work solid inwards West London also went to the Indian Springs Resort together with Spa inwards Napa Valley.  The luxury hotel, where rooms for a nighttime cost betwixt $359 (£239) together with $999 (£665), specializes inwards mud lavatory treatments.

During her fourth dimension inwards the metropolis the extravagances continued . . . staying at the Queensbury Hotel, where rooms cost betwixt £175 together with £489 a nighttime together with a tasting card at the eating theater costs £70 a head.

The Mail does include these quotes from Miss Ruskiewicz earlier going on to the side past times side executive’s story: “I took a pre-booked vacation during that period.  My vacation fourth dimension was non charged to the trust only was taken on my ain time. I did non accept whatever larn out from the trust. I claimed no expenses or allowances from the trust.”

Mr. Morgan . . . of late sold his Texas mansion for nearly $2 meg (£1,338,000).  It is clear from his Texan domicile that he is making the most of his lucrative career traveling across America together with the U.K. equally an interim infirmary boss.  His huge menage unit of measurement mansion has views over picturesque Lake Conroe, amongst its ain jetty, ii jet skis together with a boat lift. It also has an infinity puddle amongst Jacuzzi together with fountains.

The five-bedroom delineate of piece of work solid has sprawling manicured gardens. Photographs from within demo an extravagant spiral staircase, marble floors, chandeliers, grand oak furnishings together with antiques throughout.  There are sunbathing terraces amongst palm trees together with a games room amongst a huge telly together with puddle table.

Then at that topographic point is Mr. Hurst:

Pictures he posts online of his travels include shots of him stroking a chetah inwards South Africa.

And Mr. Miller, who

[L]ives amongst his minute married adult woman Lucy inwards Ealing, West London, inwards an expanse where the average belongings cost is inwards excess of £1.7 million.

And finally:

Sandy Spencer, who has been pictured posing inwards a fascinator together with drinking vino on holiday, appears to alive the life of a socialite. In fact, she has made her wealth past times merry-go-rounding equally a freelance NHS boss.

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