It's A Stupid Rule. Well, No.

I serve every bit a mentor to our league's youth referees in addition to acquire to sentinel a lot of footling kids' games.  At 1 of yesterday's tertiary course of education games, I noticed that 1 coach was hanging some the finish area, giving constant instructions to his team's goalie.  I went to the other coach of this team, who was on the sidelines inwards the appropriate place, in addition to asked him to acquire the other 1 to movement dorsum to the sidelines.  He said, "Would you lot delight enjoin him?" implying that he had failed inwards that task.

So I did so, in addition to the coach gave me a real difficult time.  "How tin you lot await the daughter to larn if I am non in that location to explicate things to her?"

I said, "You do that during practices.  She'll larn the residuum past times playing in addition to thinking."

"That's stupid," he said, "This is a developmental plan in addition to she needs to last told what to do."

I said, "Well, truly no."

He said, "It makes to a greater extent than feel for me to do it from hither rather than yelling from xxx yards away."

I said, "That's non such a practiced approach either."

"Well, if you lot enjoin me it's a league rule, I'll move, but it is a stupid rule."

He moved off, in addition to gauge what?  The footling daughter did only fine on her own.

The Dutch, who are splendid youth evolution instructors, ofttimes rank it this way: "Let the game learn the game."

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