Government Efficiency Is An Oxymoron

I ever appreciate together with pay attending to the thoughtful observations of Sachin Jain, together with this article inward the Journal of General Internal Medicine is no exception.  It's called "Big Plans, Poor Execution: The Importance of Governmental Managerial Innovation to Health Care Reform."

Here's the introduction:

The Affordable Care Act (ACA)'s implementation failures including the launch of together with delays of several key provisions of the legislation receive got threatened continued back upwards for the law. At the heart of the public's misgivings is trust inward whether authorities agencies tin dismiss effectively implement programs of importance on massive scale. The ACA rollout has exposed deep flaws inward the ways inward which federal agencies teach by the implementation of legislative efforts. For these reasons, nosotros strongly believe that wellness policy reform must move on amongst conception together with reform of the managerial processes of the Department of Health together with Human Services (HHS) together with its constituent agencies. In this newspaper nosotros depict on experiences implementing important wellness assist policy legislation to explore the primal management challenges that receive got hampered the implementation of the ACA, together with threaten the time to come viability of government-led wellness assist reform.

The authors teach on to itemize the problems:

The showtime is the overly burdensome together with bureaucratic physical care for of soliciting, vetting, together with awarding con- tracts. Initially designed every bit safeguards against kickbacks, regulations receive got evolved to the betoken where contracts are awarded to firms with the most sense inward navigating the federal procurement process, rather than those with the most sense together with skills inward the content area.

Second, the operational units within each means responsible for managing contracts together with implementing reforms are every bit good far removed from the procurement process.

Finally, the rigidity encountered early on inward the contracting physical care for is mirrored inward constraints roughly termination.

These problems are compounded, say the authors, because "federal agencies frequently combat to attract together with retain appropriate, competitive talent."

After recommending changes, they conclude:

Implementation is the ultimate examination of whatever legislative effort,a hard reality currently facing the supporters together with architects of the ACA. Challenges with the ACA receive got uncovered primal flaws inward the federal government's managerial structures for executing complex legislative agendas. If nosotros await our federal wellness agencies to receive got a frontline operate inward reforming wellness care, then every bit good must nosotros pay attending to reforming these institutions. 

Well, many of these points are then true, together with their touching on has been felt over the years inward defense forcefulness together with non-defense governmental programs.  (The 1 with which I would disagree, for the most part, is the 1 almost attracting talented people.)  The recommendations made are thoughtful together with appropriate.

But the truth of the affair is that the basic structures underlying federal procurement volition non alter much.  As noted yesteryear the authors, many were designed to forestall corruption: In then doing, Congress made an explicit trade-off betwixt obtaining efficiency together with preventing crime. Other federal procurement rules were frankly designed yesteryear lobbyists for entrenched authorities contractors: There is a whole manufacture of inside-the-Beltway firms that receive got survived together with grown off of federal largess.  Their heart competence is influencing the torso politic to protect their interests.  Other firms create non receive got the fourth dimension or involvement to engage inward the influence-peddling concern together with wisely take to pass their fourth dimension serving the someone sector.

Every well-meaning Administration comes into operate thinking that it is going to innovate to a greater extent than "business-like" procedures into the federal government.  Some succeed to a sure as shooting extent, merely most fail.  It is non an activeness that generates world back upwards or political rewards.

So, inward my opinion, what is required is a to a greater extent than sophisticated together with thoughtful approach to writing the police line when yous are hoping to invent a novel programme or policy.  The ACA was an immensely complicated slice of legislation.  Many components relied on having an effective, efficient, together with timely procurement plan.  It may receive got been naive to await that implementation would live successful.

In addition, whatever problems existed at the procurement regulatory marker of the authorities were aggravated yesteryear the fact that the high-level managerial structure, support, together with oversight pose inward house yesteryear the President together with his Secretary of Health together with Human Services were inadequate.  The recommendations contained inward this article are thoughtful, merely no total of bureaucratic redesign tin dismiss endure against incompetent leadership.

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