Kwan's Messages From Liberia

Ebola is already off the front end pages inward American newspapers, consistent amongst the media's fifteen-minutes-of-coverage pattern, but the illness continues inward strength elsewhere.  Here's an first-class spider web log amongst front-line observations past times Kwan Kew called Ebola inward Liberia. An excerpt:

Seventeen-month-old Jackson, boy of Fatu, spiked a fever together with was readmitted to Suspected Ward to exam for Ebola.  He was initially tested negative but was brought into the Confirmed Ward to move amongst his woman nurture piece waiting for a suitable caretaker.  Then Comfort, a nurse’s aide who recovered from Ebola a few weeks ago, cared for him until in conclusion black when he spiked a fever.  We retested him today together with unfortunately he is forthwith positive.

Fatu’s three-year-old Theresa, who had i of the highest Ebola titers inward the county, died this morning, curled upwardly inward bed together with her human face upwardly puffy beyond recognition.  All morning time long Fatu lying inward the side past times side bed did non realize her kid was dead.  Struggling amongst bloody diarrhea together with profound weakness, she barely could possess got attention of herself. 

At the halt of our morning time circular nosotros approached her amongst the psychosocial nurse to allow her know that her miss had died.  At showtime at that spot was disbelief inward her eyes hence despair, she chop-chop together with fleetingly glanced at her miss inward the side past times side bed.  Confirming the truth, she was overtaken amongst grief, her human face upwardly dissolved into expressions of hurting together with deep sorrow, but she shed no tears.  We gently asked whether she wanted to deport on her child, she shook her head.  At dwelling theatre intelligence together with images of people afflicted past times Ebola frequently moved me to tears hence much hence that I knew I had to move here.  Seeing Fatu struggling amongst her loss this morning, for the showtime fourth dimension since I came here, tears filled my eyes.  Grateful that no i could meet my tears behind my goggles, they merely innocuously mingled amongst my sweats.  As a woman nurture I felt her deepest loss.

Because of the large seat out of sick patients inward the ETU, I stayed i time again for about 3 hours.  When finally my gloves were peeled off, my hands looked macerated every bit though they had been immersed inward H2O for a long time.  Indeed they were, bathed inward my ain sweats. 

As if echoing the sum moon, the Confirmed Ward was sum past times the halt of the day.

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