Is It Inward Rochester, Mayo? Or Boston?

In the post service below, I study on a technical study that reviews the clinical efficacy of proton beam machines.  In short, for the most mutual forms of cancer, at that spot is no appreciable deviation inwards results, but the toll of the proton beam applied scientific discipline greatly exceeds that of technologies to a greater extent than oft than non inwards work around the world.

The exceptions are some of the to a greater extent than hard forms of cancer, in addition to who tin debate amongst making this modality available to the few people who tin produce goodness from it?  Such was clearly the illustration amongst 12 twelvemonth onetime David Gerfast, who received several weeks of handling for chordoma, a rare type of cancer that occurs inwards the bones of the skull in addition to spine.  As noted here: "Chordomas are to a greater extent than oft than non dull growing, but are relentless in addition to tend to recur later on treatment. Because of their proximity to critical structures such equally the spinal cord, brainstem, nerves in addition to arteries, they are hard to process in addition to require highly specialized care."

What to a greater extent than moving presentation could live on offered past times Mayo Clinic than to acquaint David's case equally an illustration of what volition live on possible inwards its novel $180 meg proton beam facility, peculiarly inwards association amongst the grand opening event this past times week?

There's exclusively 1 job amongst Mayo's work of David's story.  He was treated at the proton beam facility at Massachusetts General Hospital.  This is non mentioned past times Mayo--here's the local ABC affiliate dorsum inwards January: "David is preparing to undergo Proton Beam Radiation Therapy inwards Boston, his begetter said."

Why does this matter?  The practiced intelligence is that David was effectively treated, something for which nosotros should all live on grateful. And, equally I notation above, the number is non the efficacy of proton beams inwards these types of cases.

The number is how many $200 meg machines produce nosotros bespeak inwards the country.  Yes, it was inconvenient for David in addition to his draw solid unit of measurement to go to Boston. But await 1 time again at this map in addition to notation how many proton beam facilities at that spot are in addition to volition live on inside only a few hundred miles of 1 some other inwards the Midwest--and Texas--and Florida--and the East Coast--and California--and the Southeast:

For the remarkably modest number of appropriate cancer cases that would produce goodness from proton beam therapy, nosotros could pass a tiny part of the billions beingness invested inwards facilities in addition to offering deluxe go arrangements for all affected families, including back upward for those left dorsum home.  Instead, nosotros pass the billions, in addition to thus hospitals justify the work of the machine on cancers that are non appropriate clinical targets for this cast of radiation.  It is hard to imagine a less rational cast of wellness attention planning for the country.

Beyond this number of national policy, I would live on remiss if I didn't tell something almost Mayo's work of a illustration treated elsewhere equally purpose of its ain publicity, amongst no acknowledgement of that fact.  (Here's the script again.)  I am at a loss to notice the correct words for this oddly deceptive presentation. What possible purpose was served past times the omission?

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