Hep C Irony Renews Questions Of Populace Confidence

In a overnice acquit upon of media irony, on the really solar daytime that Gilead Sciences, Inc. purchased a amount page yell inward the New York Times (web version a storey past times Andrew Pollack started with this lede:

Activists inward several countries are seeking to void patents on the blockbuster hepatitis C drug Sovaldi, proverb that the cost existence sought past times the manufacturer, Gilead Sciences, was prohibitive.

The Initiative for Medicines, Access too Knowledge, a legal grouping inward New York, is expected to denote Midweek that it has filed challenges inward Argentina, Brazil, China, Russian Federation too Ukraine. In all those countries except China, the organization is existence joined past times local patient advocacy groups.

The actions are a sign that the disceptation over Sovaldi is spreading beyond the United States, where the $84,000 accuse for a course of teaching of handling has strained Medicaid budgets, to middle-income countries.

My role today is non to offering an analysis of the pro's too con's of this issue. There's enough of that give-and-take elsewhere.

My role instead is to in ane lawsuit again convey upwards the slippery gradient that exists betwixt academia too pharma.  As I discussed a yr ago, when this disceptation commencement arose, ane of the board members of Gilead is Richard Whitley, a distinguished infectious illness MD too researcher at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, who receives over $400,000 per yr as compensation inward his board role.  As I said then:

We tin exclusively imagine the extent of Dr. Whitley's personal commitment to eradicating disease.  This is genuinely an outstanding record.  I'd bet, too, that he would strongly back upwards expanded access to Sovaldi for humanitarian reasons.  But inward all the searches I induce got done, I tin observe no populace statements from him concerning the fiscal lawsuit raised inward Andrew Pollack's [earlier] story.  Indeed, it would live on really hard for someone on the Gilead board to brand a argument virtually such matters, as it would live on viewed as inconsistent with the duty of loyalty too tending required of corporate directors.

An extremely respected scientist with Dr. Whitley's credentials could live on alongside the most qualified inward social club to "referee" this form of issue--to assist us sympathise too residue the legitimate fiscal needs of the pharmaceutical manufacture with the as of import humanitarian concerns virtually a drug's availability too cost inward America.  He cannot create thus land on the board of the companionship producing the drug. The loss to social club is that someone of Dr. Whitley's expertise too pity is taken out of the populace combat on these matters.

Beyond that, what does his quiet on this lawsuit say to the province virtually his duty to 2 masters, a federally subsidized drug enquiry endeavour too a pharmaceutical company? What message does that post to the populace virtually how they should sentiment the relationships betwixt academic medical centers too industry? I intend it doesn't assist either sector retain the public's confidence.

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