First Aid Shape Turns Out To Endure Dangerous

This could last i of the strangest stories I've read inwards a while, from The Globe too Mail. Here's the lede:

Randy Theriault spent xxx years captaining ships too was praised every bit an goodness seafarer who honed his arts and crafts through experience. So, when the Nova Scotia human being landed a well-paying chore every bit get-go mate on a massive line-fishing vessel this spring, exclusively i pocket-size hurdle stood inwards his agency – a get-go assist course of education that seemed to last precisely a formality.

Now his grieving menage unit of measurement is struggling to empathize how the 48-year-old Mr. Theriault could top all of a precipitous of pneumonia during a first-aid course of education designed to bargain amongst such situations. On the morn of Apr 17, after suffering through fever, shortness of breath, nausea too breast pains piece aid the week-long Maritime Advanced First Aid course of education at Nova Scotia Community College, Mr. Theriault was constitute dead at a Port Hawkesbury bed too breakfast where he had been staying.

Later inwards the story:

The college says it is investigating what went on within the classroom. The first-aid course of education is run past times St. John Ambulance, which says Mr. Theriault exhibited normal vital signs during the course, although he “complained from time-to-time of flu-like symptoms.” In a statement, St. John Ambulance spokeswoman Clara Wicke said “instructors agreed to render Mr. Theriault amongst reasonable accommodation to consummate his certification past times allowing him to brand upwards missed fourth dimension at a after date.”

That disceptation has upset Mr. Theriault’s family, who enjoin text messages inwards the days leading upwards to his decease dot he was faced amongst the pick of staying inwards shape or failing the course of education because it was non offered regularly. 

They desire to know how Mr. Theriault could top piece learning how to bargain amongst emergencies such every bit respiratory ailments at sea, which includes pneumonia.

The menage unit of measurement questions the assertion that Mr. Theriault displayed normal vital signs inwards the class. In i of his in conclusion texts to Ms. Tobin, he says he has a fever, too that he felt embarrassed virtually his laboured breathing inwards the classroom.

(Thanks to MD Susan Shaw for citing this storey on Twitter.)

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