Evidence Most Proton Beam Efficacy

Source: The National Association for Proton Therapy
Starting inwards 2011, I raised concerns close the proliferation of real expensive proton beam radiations therapy centers, made possible yesteryear investors who leverage the extra payments for purpose of this handling modality that bring been authorized yesteryear CMS in addition to someone insurers.  I asserted, based on my contacts inwards the radiations therapy profession, that the purpose of proton beam technology scientific discipline offered no pregnant payoff over lower terms intensity-modulated radiations therapy (IMRT) inwards most cases.  In short, I characterized proton beam developments equally an illustration of the medical arms race, a rush yesteryear hospitals to compete on a high terms approach that offered footling value to the public.

Now comes a thoughtful analysis published yesteryear the Health Technology Assessment Program of the Washington State Health Care Authority: financing plans, operational plans, in addition to marketing plans for something the populace doesn't need.

Hospitals engage inwards direct-to-consumer advertising inwards which they acquaint misleading in addition to inaccurate data close the benefits of the machines.

And nosotros wonder why US wellness assist costs proceed rising.

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