James Smith Caught Lying Nearly Alzheimer's Diagnosis, Jail Fourth Dimension Ahead

James Smith i time wrote, "I am 46 years old, married for 22 years, too a manly somebody bring upward of ii college-age daughters. And I bring Early-Onset Alzheimer’s Disease." He lied.


 He touched the hearts of members of the Alzheimer  James Smith Caught Lying About Alzheimer's Diagnosis, Jail Time Ahead
James Smith
James Smith is a liar too a fraud. He touched the hearts of members of the Alzheimer's community inwards 2007 when he declared he had early onslaught Alzheimer's.

His even out was thence compelling that it was covered all over the solid soil past times the major media.

He managed to describe the wool over the eyes of NBC too Brian Williams. Watch the video. He fooled PBS too a long listing of others.

Smith was oft described every bit i of the Faces of Alzheimer's. He spoke at conferences sponsored past times the Alzheimer's Association, too they named him i of their "Health Care Heroes".

Now nosotros know. James Smith didn't alive amongst dementia, he faked it.

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He faked it to collect disability insurance. He collected to a greater extent than than $300,000 from Met Life for disability insurance, too or thence other $144,293.40 inwards taxpayer monies.

James Smith likewise fooled me, I wrote close him.

James pleaded guilty to theft charges too it looks similar he is going to jail.

Dan Browning of the Star Tribune broke this story.

Jump to Alzheimer's was Minnesota man's path to fame, too then jail to read this amazing tale of a human being who lied close having Alzheimer's disease.

Original content  +Bob DeMarco , the

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