Alzheimer's Teen Helpers

By Max Wallack

One hundred as well as 20 5 6th through 8th graders inwards Northern Kentucky volition collect puzzles as well as convey them to nursing facilities inwards Northern Kentucky.

At Brighton Center, inwards an impoverished expanse of Northern Kentucky, a computer program called Youth Leadership Development offers an extensive later on schoolhouse computer program for teens ages ix - 15.

In this program, the youth overstep over their entire 34 calendar week schoolhouse curriculum, as well as they are encouraged to intend virtually the future, including college as well as career fields.

The students are too encouraged to overstep involved inwards community service projects, helping them construct self-esteem, confidence, as well as leadership skills.

I am proud to denote that, nether the direction of Michelle Bullis, the Coordinator to the Youth Leadership Development program, 125 students volition overstep involved inwards the operate of PuzzlesToRemember.

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After collecting puzzles, these students volition accept an chance to deliver these puzzles as well as interact amongst patients inwards nursing facilities. This volition live on a win-win province of affairs amongst confidence existence inspired on both sides!

Ms. Bullis too plans to convey inwards speakers to speak amongst the youth virtually Alzheimer's disease. Ms. Bullis says her projection is virtually "the youth taking command as well as learning through experience."

The Brighton Center too offers these teens a wealth of other opportunities.  They accept collected schoolhouse supplies for needy students.  They hold a community garden.  They write thank-you cards to our veterans.  They too accept a teen coalition that focuses on anti-bullying awareness as well as a drug complimentary lifestyle.

All this is taking identify inwards an expanse where at that topographic point are 3,000 homeless youth as well as immature adults!  Yet, these students ameliorate their ain lives past times helping others.  This is philanthropy at its best!

As these students collect as well as deliver their puzzles to nursing as well as Alzheimer's facilities, I volition post photos of their projection as well as their success.

You tin larn to a greater extent than virtually the Brighton Center here.

Max Wallack is a pupil at Boston University as well as a Research Intern inwards the Molecular Psychiatry as well as Aging Laboratory inwards the Department of Pharmacology as well as Experimental Therapeutics at Boston University School of Medicine. His great grandmother, Gertrude, suffered from Alzheimer's disease. Max is the founder of PUZZLES TO REMEMBER. PTR is a projection that provides puzzles to nursing homes as well as veterans institutions that aid for Alzheimer's as well as dementia patients.
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Original content Max Wallack, the

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