Dementia Together With Tourism

New Bournemouth University works life discovers novel ways of making tourist attractions dementia-friendly.

dementia as well as the families who help for them halt going on vacation.

For people amongst dementia, fifty-fifty uncomplicated days out tin pose a host of hazards. Often, families say, it’s easier to merely remain at home. But BU’s newly launched Dementia Institute hopes to modify that.
“We guide keep a vision,” says Professor Anthea Innes of the BU Dementia Institute (BUDI), “that mayhap inwards the future, Bournemouth powerfulness larn a dementia-friendly tourist resort.”

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Accessible Tourism as well as Dementia

An proficient inwards wellness as well as social help research, Professor Innes is collaborating amongst Professor Stephen Page of BU’s School of Tourism to launch pioneering inquiry into dementia-friendly tourism – developing venues where people amongst dementia volition experience condom as well as at repose to relish themselves.

Encouraged yesteryear a authorities pledge to practise xx dementia-friendly cities, towns as well as villages yesteryear 2015, Professor Innes is working closely amongst those who postulate these facilities most.
“Our aim is to run across how tourism tin reply to the needs of people amongst dementia as well as their carers as well as honor out if as well as why they haven’t been able to access tourist attractions as well as leisure facilities,” she says. “We promise to growth their locomote of tourist attractions, accommodation as well as resorts inwards the South of England.”
While an exploratory airplane pilot scheme volition accept identify locally, Professor Innes hopes to expand the inquiry to international, equally good equally UK, facilities.
“Lots of piece of work is currently going into dementia-friendly communities – condom cashpoints, trained staff as well as constabulary for illustration – but nosotros are the solely people looking specifically at leisure as well as tourism,” she says.
Her initial focus groups amongst families of people amongst dementia volition feed into inquiry into voluntary organisations, NHS services as well as businesses themselves. BUDI plans to develop preparation to shape professional person dementia help inwards the region.

In the course of report of its research, BUDI’s squad volition too interview the many tourist attractions that brand upwardly Bournemouth’s seaside resort, such equally the Oceanarium as well as venues such equally tearooms, galleries, theatres as well as museums.


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Dorset is habitation to 1 of the largest ageing populations inwards England as well as is a goodness identify to start. Dorset too has the lowest charge per unit of measurement of dementia diagnosis inwards the country, but non because of a shortage of people amongst the disease. Professor Innes estimates merely 1 inwards iv people amongst dementia inwards Dorset guide keep truly been diagnosed.
“That’s a shocking statistic. In other areas of the reason nearly one-half the people amongst dementia are diagnosed, as well as if y'all don’t guide keep a diagnosis, y'all won’t locomote able to access services as well as support. You powerfulness terminate upwardly inwards a crisis province of affairs because y'all as well as your menage unit of measurement guide keep non been able to invention for the future,” she says.
Sometimes GPs are reluctant to plough over a diagnosis due to a lack of local services.

Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 dementia label tin too acquit a stigma amongst families as well as communities – pregnant people are reluctant to acknowledge a problem, as well as doctors powerfulness locomote unaware of the score of help available.

Sometimes elderly people volition already locomote inwards help homes, but labelled equally ‘pleasantly muddled,’  rather than receiving a formal diagnosis.

Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 potent job organisation illustration too exists for improving tourist facilities. Experts predict numbers of people amongst dementia volition double over the adjacent xxx years – currently the illness costs the United Kingdom of Great Britain as well as Northern Ireland of Britain as well as Northern Republic of Ireland economic scheme an estimated £19 billion.
“If somewhere is labelled equally dementia-friendly, it’s goodness for the manufacture as well as people involved. Staff volition locomote meliorate trained as well as to a greater extent than aware – as well as that’s goodness for levels of service overall,” says Professor Innes.

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