Dotty Says, Of Flat 1 Tin Read I'm Non Dead

Back inward early on 2010 Dotty was enrolled inward a Dimebon clinical trial. During that menses she was real engaging. It was remarkable. Here is a sample.

By Dorothy DeMarco

 Dotty was enrolled inward a Dimebon clinical lawsuit Dotty Says, Of Course I Can Read I'm Not Dead

Can you lot believe inward the article -- Alzheimer's My Mother Can Read -- Bobby has a painting present of Chiquita Banana. And, justice what he wants me to do now? He wants me to sing the Chiquita Banana song.

You know, I mightiness last older than dirt but I am non dead. Of course of pedagogy I tin read.

In the erstwhile days earlier Bobby moved in, he would come upwardly downward together with see me a twain of times a year. I would larn upwardly at 6:30 inward the morning, brand coffee, READ the newspaper, together with hold back for Bobby to wake upwardly only about ix AM.

By 9, I had gone to Dunkin Donuts for his 2 chocolate frosted donuts, together with picked upwardly his USA Today newspaper. When he in conclusion got up, I would brand him bacon together with eggs. I don't retrieve him proverb anything like, you lot can't swallow eggs everyday they are bad for your cholesterol.

In those days that man child could sleep. Now, it seems similar he never sleeps.

You won't believe this 1 either. I got some other egg today for breakfast. Bobby claims that the people that read this hence called weblog brainwashed him. Keep upwardly the practiced work.

Will you lot delight explicate to Bobby that murphy chips are practiced for you. How else do you lot explicate that I am older than dirt?

Bobby is telling me I stimulate got to accept a shower. I inquire him why? He says nosotros both stink together with nosotros demand a shower.

I told him I don't stink together with offering to permit him accept a whiff of my pit. He tells me my erstwhile olfactory organ is non working. I tell him, thats a crock of shit.

Booby laughed together with told me that if anyone breaks inward together with tries to rob us I should run correct at them together with they volition run out the door 1 time they aroma me. Bobbys says I can't tell you lot what I said. He claims the weblog is non however X rated.

Last nighttime Bobby says swallow your spinach. I tell him no. He says you lot purpose to dearest spinach. Well, I can't retrieve if I loved spinach or not, but I tin tell you lot I don't similar the looks of it now.

Bobby together with hence looks at me together with says, double H2O ice cream. Bobby likes to speak inward his ain code. I asked him, what the hell does that mean?

He tells me, swallow the spinach together with you lot larn double H2O ice cream tonight. Why the hell didn't he country that inward the kickoff place. Bobby watches together with makes certain I swallow ALL the spinach. I'll lick the plate if it way double H2O ice cream.

I am happy well-nigh 1 thing. At to the lowest degree Bobby didn't endeavor to tell me spinach is a gift from God. Everyday he tells me prune juice is a gift from God. Is at that topographic point whatever conduct chances that Bobby genuinely believes that crap when he says it?

I'm hungry. I'm starving. I stimulate got to larn start whining hence I tin larn something to swallow inward this joint.

Don't forget, operate on the murphy chips.

How is that?

Dotty went to Heaven on May 25, 2012.

. To read Dotty's weblog go here. Dotty resides inward Delray Beach, FL.


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Original content Dorothy DeMarco, the

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