Physics Lesson

We all learned of Galileo's experiment from the Leaning Tower of Pisa inwards which he dropped 2 balls of unlike masses to attempt his hypothesis that the departure would non behave on the fourth dimension of transit to the ground.  The view was that they were both dependent area to the same forcefulness of gravity in addition to would thence accelerate at the same rate.

Although his theory was correct, the work amongst the storey is that they did non genuinely brand it on the solid pose down at the same fourth dimension because. As noted inwards this Wikipedia article:

In Dava Sobel's biographical volume Galileo's Daughter she recounts that the balls did non province at the same time:

The larger ball, existence less susceptible to the effects of what Galileo recognized equally air resistance, cruel faster, to the nifty relief of the Pisan philosophy department.

So it is amongst nifty involvement that nosotros tin witness a to a greater extent than controlled experiment.  Here on IFLScience:

You in all likelihood know that 2 objects dropped inwards a vacuum autumn at the same rate, no affair the volume of each item. If you’ve never seen a demonstration of this, so you lot genuinely should, because it’s incredible to watch.

Here is mayhap the perfect example, brought to us past times physicist Brian Cox. He checked out NASA’s Space Simulation Chamber located at the Space Power Facility inwards Ohio. With a volume of 22,653 cubic meters, it’s the largest vacuum sleeping accommodation inwards the world.

In this hypnotizing clip from the BBC, Cox drops a bowling ball in addition to a plume together, start inwards normal conditions, in addition to so later most all the air has been sucked out of the chamber. We know what happens, exactly that doesn’t destination it from existence awesome, particularly amongst the team’s ecstatic faces.

Here's the video. (You tin start at 2:41 if you lot are impatient.)

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