End Of Flavour Rituals

I've come upwardly to loathe this hollo for inwards the soccer season, when nosotros accept a pause later on playing together with working difficult together amongst the 12-year-olds.  They've come upwardly a long agency together with direct maintain bonded to drib dead a existent team. The private together with collective evolution together with increase is existent together with visible to all.  Being amongst them is the highlight of my week, together with directly I direct maintain to await over 4 months till nosotros starting fourth dimension upwardly again.

Good ending, though, winning 4-2 inwards a prophylactic represent against the hold out past times squad inwards our section.  Then, the required pizza political party together with this prissy thank-you card.  Also shown above, our midseason H2O ice cream political party on a warmer day--my vantage to the girls for a finish scored on a volley!

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