Words From The Southern Hemisphere

As a number of some recent presentations I made inward Johannesburg, I was invited to submit a commentary slice to the widely read Mail together with Guardian inward South Africa.  Please take a look (and delight ignore the typos).  The lede:

With the progress inward the delivery of healthcare over the past times several decades, i wonders where the side past times side advances volition arise. Will it last a novel serial of drugs developed past times scientists together with pharmaceutical companies? Will it last novel generations of medical devices? Will it last a amend agreement of the genetic determinants of disease? 

Certainly all of the inward a higher house are probable to occur, simply each comes amongst a high cost: years of question together with utilization of hi-tech approaches volition necessarily take away that corporations invest in, together with protect, their intellectual belongings rights.  

But at that topographic point is a hidden precious rock of intervention inward the healthcare organisation that requires niggling or no investment, together with niggling or no technological advancement, simply has the potential to salvage to a greater extent than lives than nigh of the drugs together with medical devices that volition come upward to the marketplace over the coming decade. That this intervention remains largely untapped results inward the premature expiry of hundreds of thousands of people or together with thence the world.

What tin sack this “miracle drug” be? Well, it is no miracle. Rather, it’s reorganising the agency inward which hospitals render character help . . .

Many people are harmed inward hospitals or popular off from preventable medical errors. I produce non mention to the occasional explicit fault made past times a surgeon during a complicated operation. I mention instead to the insidious presence of infections, missed exam results together with other similar events that occur inward hospitals.  These produce non rank off out of negligence: rather they number from the trend inward which run is organised inward hospitals.

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