The Worst Of The Acme 10 Lists

New Year's Day seems to prompt lots of "top" lists: Top books, peak movies, whatever.  Many are displace for wonder, nostalgia, or appreciation.

Here's ane such list* from Akanksha Jayanthi at Becker's Hospital Review that prompts discouragement.  It is the listing of the peak 10 patient security issues for 2015.

Why discouragement?  Because it's most the same listing that has existed for years.  It does non be because of technical complexity or fiscal constraints.  More than anything else, it is a listing that documents the failure of leadership yesteryear all likewise many boards of trustees, senior administrators, in addition to chiefs of clinical service inward America's hospitals.  There are, of course, merely about who convey done better, in addition to they deserve our thanks, but hospitals unfortunately stay ane of the top-ranked world wellness hazards inward the country.

Healthcare-associated infections. 

Antibiotic resistance.

Personal protective equipment protocol. 

Hand hygiene.

Health information technology issues.

Medication errors.

Workforce safety.

Transitions of care.

Diagnostic errors.

Patient engagement. 

* With thank yous to Mark Graban for the telephone telephone out.

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