A Tactic Worthy Of Used Machine Salesmen

I sympathise my educational limitations amongst regard to making medical judgments, only I convey to conclude that a recent get yesteryear a New York City urologist has to travel skating mighty closed to the ethical line.  That this would travel offered yesteryear an affiliate of the North Shore-Long Island Jewish Health System, which has an outstanding tape of patient lineament as well as safety, makes it all the to a greater extent than strange. 

Here it is.  Excerpts:

Lenox Hill Hospital, component of the North Shore-LIJ Health System, is offering a gratuitous informative eve on Thursday, Jan 8th from 6-7:30 p.m. amongst David Samadi, MD, chair of urology as well as master copy of robotic surgery, almost what women tin dismiss practice to assist operate on the men inwards their lives good for you lot as well as happy.  The presentation volition travel followed yesteryear a question-and-answer period, as well as everyone is the audience volition travel receiving a gratuitous T-shirt.

“Woman are the most proactive healthcare champions inwards the identify unit of measurement as well as are the driving strength inwards men’s health,” said Dr. Samadi.   “We desire women to promote men’s wellness issues amongst a item focus on those associated amongst the prostate as well as sexual component thus they tin dismiss encourage good for you lot lifestyle choices for the men inwards their lives.”

Dr. Samadi volition travel challenging the audience to participate inwards “The Samadi Challenge.”  Created every bit a agency to promote the importance of prostate health, the Samadi Challenge has gone viral over Facebook. "I asked women who convey a homo inwards their lives to larn his PSA  (prostate specific antigen) as well as testosterone levels checked," Dr. Samadi said. "They thus had to tape a message that challenged 3 women they know to practice the same as well as post service the video.”

I'm non going to larn through all the recent studies almost PSA as well as testosterone tests.  You tin dismiss practice that on your own.  What I am going to say is that inwards neither example is in that place argue to believe that an unselected population of normal men should convey these tests.

This Dr. as well as through him this wellness organization are engaged inwards advocacy that volition get overuse of the wellness aid system.  Add to that the inevitability of a number fake positives from the PSA tests, leading to an unnecessary number of biopsies, some of which volition get terms to patients.

So, nosotros convey to ask, is this a Dr. doing this on his own, or does it convey the back upwards of the wellness system's administration?  Is this a scientifically based clinical programme or a describe of piece of occupation concern evolution program?

Finally, the fact they are deliberately using women to larn at the men as well as practice their advertising for them is disrespectful to both. This is a tactic worthy of used motorcar salesmen.

Addendum:  Dear readers, later reviewing the extensive as well as thoughtful comments below, delight plough to the follow-up post service on this topic, inwards which NS-LIJ Health System responds.

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