Is It Businesslike Or Businesslike? The Departure Is Pretty Important.

Budd Shenkin offers perceptive observations inwards a recent weblog post, next upwards on my story close Heartland Regional Medical Center's extreme debt collection practices.  Excerpts:

Yes, healthcare needs improve concern methods. But when you lot recollect close it, "businesslike" seems to induce got ii form lines of thought, fifty-fifty ii dissimilar meanings. On the i hand, proficient concern is knowing your costs in addition to recovering them, producing a improve product, increasing efficiencies, etc. On the other hand, concern practices tin move rapacious, select grip of the money, teach for the gold, create whatsoever it takes, etc. When people rank that healthcare should move “run similar a business,” to a greater extent than oft than non they hateful #1, non #2. But if you lot confronted Heartland, odds are they would rank “we involve to run it similar a business,” in addition to hateful #2, non #1.

He continues:

But you lot merely induce got to think, is earnings an objective, or a constraint? If your objective is to help people i agency or another, in addition to then earnings tin move a constraint – you lot tin serve people, but exclusively amongst the constraint that you lot can't lose also much coin doing it, or you lot volition run out of concern in addition to help nobody. If, however, it's the reverse, you lot in addition to then desire to brand equally much coin equally possible, amongst the constraint that you lot create induce got to help about people along the way. Or at to the lowest degree non wound them also much. Or at to the lowest degree non teach caught pain them also much, which would in addition to then outset pain profits.

So, if I await at a healthcare program, I induce got to think: OK, run it inwards a businesslike fashion, but is it businesslike #1, or businesslike #2? Are they doing good past times doing good, or merely doing well? The departure is pretty important.

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