Ups In Addition To Downs Of Wellness Assist Costs In Addition To Reform

Madge Kaplan writes:

The side past times side WIHI broadcast — The Ups too Downs of Health Care Costs too Reform — volition lead maintain house on Thursday, Feb 12, from 2 to three PM ET, too I promise you'll melody in.

Our guests volition include:
  • Donald M. Berwick, MD, MPP, FRCP, President Emeritus too Senior Fellow, Institute for Healthcare Improvement
  • David Cutler, PhD, Otto Eckstein Professor of Applied Economics, Harvard University, Harvard Kennedy School of Government, Harvard School of Public Health
  The Ups too Downs of Health Care Costs too Reform Ups too Downs of Health Care Costs too Reform
There are lots of wellness attention issues to speculate almost inward the coming year. Here inward the US, the ongoing expansion of wellness insurance coverage is an ambitious run inward progress that continues to aspect upwards enough of political too legal headwinds. And too thence there’s the withal glaring too withal growing $3.9 trillion national cost tag of USA wellness care. Some are encouraged that wellness spending is slowing, merely exercise nosotros lead maintain whatever rigid evidence that improvements inward the character of care, safety, too IT, coupled alongside payment reforms that increasingly necktie reimbursements to character too value, are fundamental factors?

Fortunately, nosotros lead maintain 2 individuals to plow to for their thoughts on these matters too many more. Don Berwick too David Cutler are my guests for the Feb 12, 2015, WIHI: The Ups too Downs of Health Care Costs too Reform. Each brings of import improvement, policy, too economical perspectives to the tabular array to assist brand feel of the electrical flow surroundings too what’s ahead.

Against the backdrop of the Affordable Care Act too other meaning initiatives, our guests volition offering their assessments of recent progress alongside amend attention too lower costs, too where efforts ask to perish along to yield fifty-fifty bigger benefits. We’ll besides impact upon the following: global payments too the diverse payer-led fiscal carrots too sticks inward play correct right away designed to improve wellness attention delivery; the dry soil of statewide reforms, Medicaid expansion, too community-led, population health-driven experiments; too the vivid spots too tempest clouds on the horizon alongside honor to policy makers, politicians, too earth where at that topographic point are withal major divides.

What are your questions for Don Berwick too David Cutler? Please bring together them too me on February 12You tin enroll for the broadcast here. We'd besides appreciate it if y'all would spread the discussion almost the exhibit via Twitter.

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