Where Are The Obvious In Addition To Difficult Questions?

I don't desire this to look similar I am picking on whatever ane newspaper, but this ane has the most "ink" inward our share as well as thence its reports deport the most weight inward damage of world agreement as well as opinion.  The most frustrating affair to run into is when a firm spouts off its "message," as well as the paper lets it simply sit down in that place without bespeak the obvious as well as difficult questions.

In today's story, Partners Healthcare System, inward response to concerns raised yesteryear the Attorney General as well as the Health Policy Commission, promised that it would heighten rates for lxx newly acquired doctors "only" yesteryear the charge per unit of measurement of inflation for the side yesteryear side 5 years.  No ane asked what would occur afterwards that.

More seriously, there's this excerpt:

At the start of 2016, the Harbor doctors volition bring together the grouping of most 1,500 physicians at Brigham as well as Women’s Hospital. Officials at Partners as well as Harbor said the bargain volition meliorate the coordination of patient assist as well as eventually lower costs.

“This integration volition ultimately cut back wellness assist costs yesteryear providing South Shore patients amongst a thoughtful, coordinated approach to their wellness care,” said Dr. Jessica C. Dudley, master copy medical officeholder of the Brigham as well as Women’s Physician Organization.

The obvious questions are:

How volition you lot cut back wellness assist costs?
By reduce, practise you lot hateful an absolute reduction or a reduction relative to inflation or prior trends?
What practise you lot hateful yesteryear ultimately?
What assurances volition you lot brand to earth as well as to policy-makers that it volition happen?
How volition this reduction live on measured as well as reported?
Will you lot live on transparent most the full medical costs per patient seen yesteryear doctors inward this group, forthwith as well as inward the future?

Well, either the questions weren't asked, or in that place was insufficient infinite inward the paper to impress the answers.  Either way, an unsupported assertion gets introduced into earth tape amongst no jeopardy of validation or rebuttal.

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