Kill The Sgr

One of the best examples of misnomers inwards authorities policy is the sustainable increase charge per unit of measurement (SGR) formula that's supposed to automatically adapt Medicare physician compensation (mainly downward) each year.

The formula is flawed in addition to and then every year, at that topographic point is an incredible endeavour past times doctors in addition to people inwards Congress to postpone its effect.  This creates the commons Washington work-around, inwards that the savings that would otherwise arise from the SGR disappear, and, nether Congressional rules, the coin has to live made upwards elsewhere.  That induce never actually happens, but a postponement ever takes house to avoid the disaster of reducing doctors' compensation.  Sometimes the "patch" lasts a year, old but a few weeks piece Congress kicks the tin downwardly the road.

Well now, at that topographic point is a bipartisan (yes, bipartisan!) endeavour to repeal the damn thing.  The AMA is on the case, sending out a gazillion emails to possible supporters. The House is expected to vote on the proposal adjacent week, earlier the March 31 expiration appointment of the electrical current patch.

I don't know whether the proposed solution is the best possible, but it is non fourth dimension to allow the perfect live the enemy of the good:  It is fourth dimension to eliminate this strange provision inwards the law.

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