In Memoriam: Charles Button

I had heard neat things virtually Charlies Button when I headed over to run the Massachusetts Water Resources Authority inwards 1987.  He was at the Boston Water as well as Sewer Commission, as well as I needed to construct our squad to lead out the $4 billion Boston Harbor Cleanup.  We met on City Hall Plaza as well as walked to a greater extent than or less talking virtually his experience, acre I made the pitch to come upward on over.

He wasn't playing difficult to get, only he turned me downward flat.  The upshot was that our agency--off to some faux starts--had non withal proved that it was serious virtually creating a rigid plenty organization to lead out this massive project.  The final thing he was going to create was bring together a house that did non accept the commitment as well as resources inwards house to succeed.  He was waiting for a sign that nosotros were for real.

He got that sign later nosotros purchased the Quincy shipyard for $50 i yard m for a projection laydown area, got our Board to commit to an 80-person projection administration team, as well as designated Richard Fox to run the project.  Dick said he was going to brand some other run at Charlie, and, certain enough, he joined our team.

You tin read virtually this fellow's extensive accomplishments inwards this obituary.  If it has something to create alongside the region's wastewater infrastructure for over forty years, he had a paw inwards it.  But every bit inwards all such matters, it is non what he did that nosotros instantly remember, only how he did it.  He was the ultimate applied scientific discipline professional, prudently as well as methodically considering the options to solve a problem, unswayed past times passions of the day, agreement that the physical infrastructure he was edifice was beingness designed to final for decades. His clients were the public.  Sure he was dealing inwards steel as well as concrete, only underlying the fabrication of structures was a wishing to create the best for the people of Boston as well as the metropolitan area.

Finally, at that topographic point was his demeanor.  Understated, listening to a greater extent than than talking, thinking earlier opining,  respectful of elected officials only unafraid to engage inwards placidity forcefulness to persuade them alongside the facts, as well as e'er create to uncovering sense of humor inwards the province of affairs as well as letting a wry smiling seem on his face. Whether Charlie was talking or listening, nosotros e'er turned to him alongside trust: His judgement, commitment to the populace good, as well as integrity were never, ever inwards doubt.  Millions of people inwards this region--for decades to come--will owe him a debt of gratitude.  It was a privilege as well as pleasance to know him.

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