America Says, Allow Mds Part My Data--For Free!

Every right away as well as then, the wisdom of the American people shines forth, particularly if you lot phrase a relevant query inwards an understandable manner. Check out the lede from this story:

Nearly 75 per centum of American adults surveyed believe it is really of import that their critical wellness information should live on easily shared betwixt physicians, hospitals as well as other wellness attention providers, according to a survey released today past times the Society of Participatory Medicine as well as conducted past times ORC International.

"What this survey points out is that when critical wellness information can't live on shared across medical practices as well as hospitals, patients are position at risk," said Daniel Z. Sands, MD, MPH, co-founder as well as co-chair of the Society of Participatory Medicine as well as a practicing physician.  

The survey likewise revealed that 87 per centum of respondents are overwhelmingly against whatever fees beingness charged to either healthcare providers or patients for the transfer of critical wellness information.

Hint:  This is where nation Attorneys General as well as the U.S.A. authorities should live on working mitt inwards mitt to brand certain this happens.  Right now, it is beingness observed inwards the breach.

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