Making Precision Medicine Personal

Here's a curt in addition to sugariness article past times Zachary Berger in addition to Dave deBronkart nigh "precision medicine."  The upshot:

Let’s non forget there’s to a greater extent than to a mortal than their physical selves: people conduct maintain preferences, in addition to their values vary. We assert that the ideal handling is personalized to both our cells in addition to our selves.

Only through shared deliberation past times patient in addition to wellness attention provider does “precision medicine” popular off personal. Innovating novel treatments is laudable but misguided unless patients grade what is at stake for them inwards electrical flow handling gaps. Precision genomic query falls curt of its potential if the risks in addition to benefits of factor therapies aren’t inwards accord alongside the patient’s priorities.

As President Obama encourages precision medicine, he should back upwardly recognition of patient preference, in addition to interest inwards decisions, equally utilization of this initiative, to ensure that “precision” medicine is non but “personalized” but personal. We say: blend the nuance of self alongside the nuance of cell.

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