In Memoriam: Stacy Duckett

Stacy Duckett, the Corporate Secretary of the Southwest Power Pool, died this calendar week inward Arkansas afterwards a long struggle alongside encephalon cancer.  Given my electrical flow interest inward the New England electrical ability grid, you lot mightiness intend that I knew her through that channel.  But it truly goes means back.

In a previous life, I was unloosen energy secretarial assistant for Bill Clinton during his start term equally Governor.  In Oct 1979, our start immature adult woman Rebecca was born at New Baptist Hospital.  After a few months, nosotros needed unopen to babysitting help, together with my deputy, Cherry Duckett, said that her immature adult woman Stacy would survive happy to oblige.  She was almost xvi at the time.

So nosotros met this immature woman, who was already showing the depth of grapheme that would characterize her for years to come.  Inevitably polite together with sort inward that Southern sort of way, she also offered a deep news together with curiosity almost the world, together with was an fantabulous conversationalist, fifty-fifty equally a teenager.  She also displayed a marvelous irreverence almost the footing that was refreshing together with very funny.

Her principal part-time chore (beyond babysitting) was serving frozen yogurt at the outlet of a start-up fellowship called TCBY.  She was working at the company's start store, inward due west Little Rock's Marketplace Shopping Center.  According to this story, she was the start TCBY employee non a fellow member of the founder's family, the Hickingbothams, when she began working at the shop inward high school. "Duckett presently moved to the corporate office, together with she worked at TCBY full-time spell getting her constabulary degree."

"It's non something you lot recommend for everybody," she said at historic menses 35. "It requires self-discipline together with focus."

Something she had inward abundance.

I estimate the identify unit of measurement recognized her talent afterwards she received a constabulary marking from the University of Arkansas at Little Rock School of Law, equally she "rose inward ranks to acquire a vice president together with assistant full general counsel to the yogurt giant."

The article also notes:

Outside the office, Duckett has served equally president of the Home Team, Youth Home Inc.'s volunteer organization. She served on the 1997 race commission for Race for the Cure. She also teaches Dominicus schoolhouse at Trinity United Methodist Church. 

I followed all this from afar together with and thence was pleasantly surprised to notice that our lives were over again overlapping.  After I joined the board of the New England electrical ability grid, I learned that she was full general counsel to the Southwest Power Pool, having joined the arrangement inward 2000.  As noted here, "she joined SPP equally an attorney inward the transmission together with regulatory policy group, rapidly assumed projection administration responsibilities, was named Director, Corporate Affairs, together with served equally General Counsel" earlier taking her terminal position.

We had a risk for curt reunion a duet of years agone at an inter-regional meeting. At the time, her cancer had permit upwardly a bit, together with she was inward adept spirits together with cogent, merely she knew it was going to come upwardly back. Mainly, she wanted to verbalise almost how Rebecca, her old charge, was doing. When I showed her the pictures, she beamed alongside pride.

My condolences to her lovely identify unit of measurement together with all who accept had the pleasance of her fellowship during an all-too-short life.

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